Update 2 and thoughts

Pictured above is me starting to work on my long form narrative project after putting it on hold to work on Lupine Astray.

Been busy working on my projects. Not much else to say. I hate posts like this, but I want to show off what I’ve been working on just a little bit. It always seems like I’m not working when I don’t post, but its just that I’m TOO busy working to post. Plus my dumb 9 to 5 job that takes up a chunk of my time. Boo hoo, I guess that’s life! So a large portion of my time is just spent working on projects- which is the point, haha. I am rambling now. I’m really glad I made this site though, it allows me to stay off social media while posting my works.

Self Portrait and Update

Update: I cut my hair. Feeling comfortable in it at this point but at first it felt strange and awkward.

I have been working on finishing Lupine Astray, my first book in 3 years. Well, it’s basically done now and I have been testing some of the pages in print and they turned out pretty alright! There’s a strip I’ve been working on as well, more on that probably in a later post.

My next big project will be something I’ve been building up towards for a little while and will be serialized. I will most likely be posting it online but I am on the fence on that.

Healing Update

This little wound has sort of been the center of my life at the moment. It’s been impacting my everyday life more than I thought it would. I feel it mostly when I have to put my shoes on. The cut is RIGHT where the foot raises and touches the shoe a little. I have to stand around a lot and walk in my warehouse job and I’m always thinking about how its affecting my wound. It’s honestly not even a big cut, but it was still open and possibly on the cusp of needing stitches.

It doesn’t really hurt when I’m walking, but I am worried how it disrupts the healing process. Scabbing up, It’s going to leave a very cool scar though.